The health and life of anyone who can get pregnant is now at risk.
I wouldn’t call myself a political person. But I do not believe politics should be discussing control of our bodies, our families, who we love or how we identify. Today the bodies of anyone who can get pregnant in the US is under attack. It’s up to us to do something about it.
For my small part, I’ve written an open letter, gathered supporting signatures and sent this to my executive leadership team.
If you want to do the same. Please copy and paste from the below (updating state and company value references if you need to):
To the Executive Leadership
Today is a sad day. It feels surreal sitting here writing this letter that we even need to argue this point.
I know you are aware of what’s happened over the last few days in the US with Roe vs Wade being overturned. The health and life of anyone who can get pregnant is now at risk. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about this and what it means in the US – seeing reproductive rights being rolled back by 50 years.
This decision is human rights violation and is only the beginning of an attack on the poorest, most marginalised, and vulnerable people.
And a ripple effect could soon be felt around the world. To be clear, this will not stop abortions. They will still happen. This only stops safe abortions in states. Those who have resources, money and support networks will be able to access the care they need, even though they will encounter multiple barriers to do so, and deal with a heavy emotional toll. It’s the low income, people of colour, marginalised and under-represented groups that will feel this the most.
For those in our Houston office for example, a trigger law will go into effect in the coming weeks that bans all abortions from the moment of fertilization, except in rare cases to save the life of a pregnant patient or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” The ban does not have exceptions for rape or incest. Texans who need access to abortion at any stage of pregnancy will need to travel over state lines, look beyond the US – Mexico border or operate outside the law, while others carry unwanted pregnancies to term. The closest clinic from Houston is a 12-hour drive to New Mexico.
Let’s let this sit for a moment: Those who are pregnant or recently gave birth are twice as likely to die by homicide, most often at the hands of an intimate partner.
But there is an opportunity to help here. We talk about walking the talk of our values. And in our values, we say we value life, as well as rising to the challenge and doing what’s right over doing what is easy. We need to do something here. We can’t affect the law, but we can and must help those we can reach.
We see multiple companies posting online their voices of support – but it’s not just a voice – it’s a helping hand. Companies are offering to fund the health services needed for those who have no access. For example, Amazon will cover up to $4000USD per year in travel expenses for staff members seeking abortions if care isn’t available within 100 miles. Starbucks and Levi’s are offering complete expense reimbursement for abortions outside of their home state.
What can we do like this? Or what other options do we have? We have people in the US. This will affect them and their families. How will we be supporting them, and when? We cannot be silent. It’s disgraceful, it’s tone deaf, and it’s dangerous.
Please, we need your help, and we need it now.